Alvar Aalto ZentrumDeutschland e.V.
Alvar Aalto Centre

Alvar Aalto Centre Germany e. V. Wolfsburg

The non-profitmaking Society Alvar Aalto Centre Germany e. V. Wolfsburg was founded in 1998 on the occasion of Alvar Aalto's 100th birthday.

In Germany, Wolfsburg presents the central work of Alvar Aalto with its three buildings. The aim of the Alvar Aalto Centre, according to its constitution, is to convey to the public the structural and architectural theories as seen in his architecture and to preserve his buildings.

The Society undertakes all necessary measures to maintain the buildings with professional methods of protecting historical monuments, restoring and further developing the three buildings in Wolfsburg. It voluntarily faces up to matters and critique arising from such questions.

Guided tours to Alvar Aalto's buildings are offered by the Society to visitors who are interested in architecture in the context of Wolfsburg's historical development. At intervals publications are produced on Alvar Aalto's work and the architecture of the City.

List of available Literature

Wolfsburg Architekturstadtplan

This brochure presents an architectural survey of the city of Wolfsburg at the turn of the millennium on the basis of selected individual buildings without claiming to be exhaustive. It is to be seen as a necessary supplement to the 1996 publication »Architektur in Wolfsburg« by Cornelia Thömmes. At the same time, however, it also provides an introduction to the city's founding history and presents the buildings of Alvar Aalto and Hans Scharoun.

Editor: Alvar Aalto Zentrum Deutschland e.V. Wolfsburg
Photography: Bernd Rodrian, Wolfsburg
english summary, 24 pages, size 21x11 cm
ISBN: 3-922618-26-X
3,50 plus shipping

Book »Architecture in Wolfsburg«

Information on architecture and town planning of the city of Wolfsburg in the publication titled »Architektur in Wolfsburg«. This book especially describes monuments, architectural ensembles and other buildings that have a profound impact on the city's appearance. Using photographies, short texts, and plan views, a total of 46 buildings are documented. The buildings of Alvar Aalto are also displayed comprehensively.

Publisher: Cornelia Thömmes, Werder (Havel)
Photography: Heinrich Heidersberger, Wolfsburg
80 pages and one postcard with book-mark, German and English
Size: 100 x 200 mm, 120 images
ISBN 3-922618-14-6, © Thömmes
12,00 plus shipping

Book »Alvar Aalto und der neue Humanismus der Nachkriegsära«

Autor: Peter Reed, Curator at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, Department of Architecture and Design
Reprinted by permission from Alvar Aalto: Between Humanism and Materialism, © 1998 by The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Publisher: Stadt Wolfsburg, Stadtbild- und Denkmalpflege, with Alvar Aalto Zentrum Deutschland e.V. Wolfsburg
Conception and design: C. Thömmes und M. Steffen
Translation: Peter C. Goldsmith
Translation of the preface: Prof. M. Freyhofer
10,00 plus shipping

Alvar Aalto Sketchbook

The sketchbook presented as a draft in the Alvar Aalto exhibition in the Berlin Pavilion (winter 1998/1999) contains drawings by Alvar Aalto for the Cultural Centre in Wolfsburg, today Alvar Aalto Culture House. First urban planning idea sketches, technical drawings in different scales up to detail drawings in the scale 1:1 are printed in each case on a high-quality transparent paper. The sketchbook has an exclusive character due to the choice of materials and workmanship; only 250 numbered copies were printed. The book folder and the selection of technical drawings were designed by Manfred Steffen, Cornelia Thömmes and Wolfgang Wittig.

Publisher: Alvar Aalto Zentrum Deutschland e.V. Wolfsburg
Size: width 420 mm x height 297 mm
Contents: approx. 60 pages, 5 intermediate pages with short explanatory texts and 4 pages jacket
Jacket: high quality hand-made of 2 mm finnboard, cover seamed, end paper in paris blue, bound with 5 threaded connectors
Slipcase: thin corrugated laminate board with embossing
unfortunately out of print, only available in antiquarian bookshops


Bank account for donations

(IBAN): DE73 2695 1311 0025 6167 64 (BIC): NOLADE21GFW
No. 025 6167 64 Sparkasse Wolfsburg-Gifhorn (BLZ 269 513 11)


Alvar Aalto Centre e. V. Wolfsburg
Rolandstrasse 13c
D-38 446 Wolfsburg
Tel: +49/ 5363-40154
Tel: +49/ 531-52450
Fax: +49/ 531-52457
